Whoa. bcsmitty...have you ever used a PC? The $2500 Dell we bought 18 months ago now won't even start up. Of course things happen in technology.that aren't expected, and of course there's problems.
I hate copycats. You think a Mac user would be used to it by now, but no...
All I have to say is that Apple better hurry it up! What's the deal? The Windows and European versions of the iTMS better come quickly or else Apple is going to miss the boat!
I don't really multitask that much, but when I do, it's great. I love being able to rip a CD while still doing other things. When I tried this on a PC, the computer was SO SLOW!
At the Apple store in Kenwood Towne Centre (our closest Apple store), I havn't had any problems. When I went in the store the Apple people seemed polite enough and helped me and answered all of my questions.
CompUSA was a little weird though. The only Apple guy there had a [sarcasm]manly[/sarcasm] looking ponytail, and talked a little funny...
The only thing that MS makes that is needed by Apple, is obviously Office. Hopefully that won't be the only format around in a few years, but as for right now, in the corporate world, and in schools, you need to have at least Word. PowerPoint is another app that many people use that you need to be compatible with. Not just kinda compatible (Keynote), but fully.
Apple definately needs to slow down a bit...I've got almost no non-Apple apps on my comp. Which isn't that bad, but what will happen when Apple introduces iWorks, a MS Office-like app? Will Microsoft totally leave the platform? Then what...the Mac becomes a dinosaur again and people leave in flocks? And with all the pro apps made by Apple, will Adobe still stick around? iThink Apple needs to start working more on hardware for a while and let 3rd party developers do their jobs.
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