Thank You Note 2012
Dear Grandma,
Thank you so much for your generous birthday gift. Unfortunately, the sweater did not fit so I took it back to the store and opted for the cash refund. I combined that money with an extra $1900 and bought myself an Apple xPod. It’s great! You know it’s funny. I remember 10 years ago, I bought a whole computer for $2000! My have times changed. This xPod is really cool. I’m able to make phone calls from it so I’m always just a phone call away. Also, my PDA is built in. There is a laser attached to it that I can not only use as a universal remote control, but when set on a table it beams a virtual keyboard on the table. It also has wireless technology that transmits an audio signal into my surgically attached inner ear piece. No more earbuds anymore grandma! I can also order movies through NetFlix and watch and save them onto the xPod. Did I tell you that the xPod is only the size of a credit card but it has a hard drive too? I opted for the 20 Terabyte version mainly because I want something to transport my Virtual Reality projects on. I also bought some accessories at the Apple Store. I bought a Belkin iSmell attachment that allows my xPod to release up to 5000 different smells (I chose new 2G iPod Smell.) and then of course I got the xPod Armor by Matias. Anyways, thanks again.
Love, Greg
Dear Greg,
To be honest, I am a little upset you cashed in my gift to buy yourself a silly toy. When are you going to stop buying these crazy gadgets? Wasn’t it just a few years ago when I bought you your first iPod? What is wrong with that one? As far as I had known it, it played music and it told you what you were listening to. Isn’t that what an iPod is suppose to do? I thought your parents raised you better than to jump on the technology bandwagon so quickly. You don’t need movies. You don’t need another phone. You don’t even need pictures or a color screen for heaven’s sake! Sweaters keep you warm. Nothing more. Nothing less. And people like it that way. Next time, keep the sweater.
Love, Grandma
Dumb. Just an opinion though�