Review: Camino Browser 1.5

It has been 16 months since I reviewed Camino 1.0, the open source Mac-only browser from Mozilla, based on the same engine as Firefox. This …(read more)

Investigation: A Tale of Three Cases (OtterBox iPod Cases User Tested)

I’ve reviewed OtterBox iPod cases before, but this article is going to be a little bit different. Personally, I’ve used cases, a lot of cases, …(read more)

Where Are the Third Party Ergonomic Peripherals?

In my quest to improve my overall Mac switching experience, I am trying to create the right office environment. One of the biggest annoyances is …(read more)

Review: Built NY Laptop Portfolio Case

I have been lugging my MacBook Pro to and from work for about six months in one backpack or another and really haven’t taken any …(read more)

How To: Five Ways To Safeguard Your Mac

Using Password Tips More Effectively When an account is created with a password, you’ll be prompted for a question to help you remember your password …(read more)

Review: XtremeMac MicroMemo (and XtremeHD AV Cables)

I’ve always wanted to use my iPod as a quality recording device. It always seemed that this iPod thing could be the core of a …(read more)

Resize Images with Easy Batch Photo

You’ve all been in this situation before. You get back from your holiday or family wedding with a large selection of photos, but know that …(read more)

Review: Vakaadoo Domino iVak case for Video iPod 5G

Some time ago, my iPod bit dirt off-warranty and I had to do a spot of phone and mail tag with my credit card company …(read more)

Review: Agent18 VideoShield Kit For The 60/80 GB iPod

Focusing on protection and interchangeability, Agent18 offers a solid case that is easy to use and adapts to your needs. This case is a real …(read more)

Mac Personal Finance Software = Disappointment

Okay, so it is going on a year since I made the switch to the Mac. We now have multiple Macs in the house (two …(read more)

A Mac User’s Opinion of Fedora Core 6

Years ago in college I started using Fedora Core 2 and was, to say the least, very unimpressed. Upgrading to Core 3 was better, but …(read more)

Review: Koyono BlackCoat AirGo Ultra Light Rain Coat

Every once in a while I find a product that I inadvertently wind up using almost every day. I might not mean to at first, …(read more)