martyrart's Profile

  • Dec 31, 1969
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Latest comments made by: martyrart

  • I just got an iPod Shuffle!!! Love it!!! I was thinking about all the nay sayers when it was announced and when Apple posted the slogans that run against the grain of the usual MP3 player bunch. But you see, my wife has an iPod. I have been waiting 3 years and an iBook later to buy an iPod. I sat there in the car and home listening to my wife choose the songs. I like most of the same music and I enjoyed just listening. I have OCD so I'm like a rat in a maze when I get too much control of things. I fiddle too much. Secondly, the shuffle isn't too much different fromt the shoddy CD player in my car that plays 10 CDs. The only exception is that I can't see the track numbers-like that matters since I forget which track number is the song I like-forget the other 16 crap songs on it. I already liked chance and mystery with iPod music from my wife's. Now I have an iPod small enough to carry with ease AND use as a thumb drive all in one. Let's remember that only since the iPod did we get so much info with such easily usable menu controls. The iPod Shuffle is a much better user experience than hitting the buttons on my CD player or scrolling and scrolling through the same music library I already have on my iBook.
    martyrart had this to say on Mar 02, 2005 Posts: 1
    Giving Shuffle A Chance