hawkspy's Profile

  • Apr 24, 2006
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Latest comments made by: hawkspy

  • I have a Quad which I bought as my first mac as a long time professional who has used windows XP for years (and 98 and 95 before that) in the knowledge of the availability of Intel imacs...Although I do miss my two favourite apps - Omnipage Pro 15 and DNS Professional 8 - I am very happy with the move to mac. I formatted my desktop and notebook 5 times in the last 12 months alone. Windows as a system is fundamentally flawed by the fact that so many hardware providers supply drivers as third party apps - which innevitably interfere with each other - making the system inherently stable. Yes the virus/spyware issue is more marked also prevalent - but that's what happens when 12 year old hackers can afford computers - which they can with windows. Unfortunately if the future apple OS supports windows - it cannot help but face the same problems. I make no commment as to whether the PC side will corrupt the Mac side of such a system - but I would definitely speak from experience when I say that the XP side will, of itself be so unstable as to make any Mac OS instability issues frankly irrelevant. This is not to mention that Vista does not even exist as a real, stable entity commercially available - and won't on current projections until early 2007 at the earliest. Having felt the pain that only Bill Gates can provide with new windows operating system versions many times over - I am very very grateful NOT to be facing that nightmare. Further - given that actual applications will not be available for Vista natively at release - how will programmers justify the writing of code for Vista, XP and PPC/intel Mac? Yes the new intel macs can do XP - but this round of intel macs will likley need to have major hardware upgrades to run Vista when it eventually comes along. So I guess what I'm saying is that as a professional I am very glad to have an obsolete - utterly stable - tried and tested system which has no trace of Bill Gates anywhere near it. Personally I think you'd have to be crazy to dump a wad of cash on rev A anything - let alone add misery to that by installing windows. I guess you have to learn the hard way. I suggest partition magic for you windows users getting ready to format your hard drive for the first time......my 2c
    hawkspy had this to say on Apr 17, 2006 Posts: 1
    Don't Buy A Quad G5