grandbetise's Profile

  • Dec 29, 2006
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Latest comments made by: grandbetise

  • I like the idea of Apple and Nintedo coming together but let's see if we can mak it make sense. #1) FrontRow channel on Wii Apple is using the opposite tactic with iTV than it did with ipod.. ITMS was orginally a way to tie people to their ipods (and it still is, considering no other mp3 player can use its songs...) But iTV is just a thing to get people to buy more movies. The movies themselves are the main point.. and can be played back on a greater variety of devices. It benefis Apple to get their ITMS movies onto people's TVs any way they can. Apple won't sell 3 million iTVs nearly as fast as Nintedo sold 3m Wiis. Personally this is a solution I'd look forward to. I already have an ipod and imac, I don't want another $250 box just to move content from one room to another. Also, just because Wii games only run in 480p, there's no reason it can't play a movie at 720p through component cables. #2) Wii kit for imac/macbook A USB sensor bar, a standard wii bluetooth remote, and a software DVD. $79. Since Apple already has a great PowerPC emulator with Rosetta, Wii games (which basically run on a 700mhz g4 and ATI graphics) could easily be emulated. Even easier on iPPC based macs. Even down to maybe ibook g4, considering the Wii's vram needs are so slim. The benefit for Apple? Increased iMac and macbook sales appeal. ( think nike+ipod ) For Nintendo? Huge potential install base for greater software and accesory sales. They could probably make more money on the kit than they do on a Wii box. And would probably find they get a lot of cross sales ( like wii owners who want to play games on vacation, so also buy the kit for macbook ) Now THAT would be a nice way for Apple and Nintendo to work together.
    grandbetise had this to say on Dec 28, 2006 Posts: 1
    Apple and Nintendo Should Play Together