dcgray's Profile

  • Oct 05, 2007
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Latest comments made by: dcgray

  • I found this article useful. I also dislike the dock's distraction and limits of monitor space on my Macbook. However, I do need the expose' and command-tab app switching features also. I use Path Finder (http://www.cocoatech.com/) instead of the Finder which I find burns through my CPU for no reason when no other apps are running. Path Finder is great and quite customizable. I also use Quicksilver (http://quicksilver.blacktree.com/) and have a few great keyboard shortcuts designated for everything I really need. I have disabled Spotlight and soley use Quicksilver and Path Finder. Now why can't I just make the dock go away without using the other functions that go along with it? Theoretically I could use Path Finder's menubar drop down to switch apps instead of command-tab, but it involves mousing. Any ideas?
    dcgray had this to say on Oct 05, 2007 Posts: 1
    Ditch the Dock and Other Visual Clutter