Apple II
Introduced: 1977
Terminated: 1980
Sometimes written as the Apple ][ or the Apple //, the second personal computer offering from Apple had many improvements over the first. It had its own beige, plastic case. The Apple II could also do something unheard of at the time: display color graphics. Along with these, the computer itself was far more advanced. The ROM was larger, there was more expandable RAM (up to 48kb) and there were eight expansion slots. Additionally, it used two BASIC programming languages: Applesoft and Integer. It was sold with two game paddles and a demo cassette.
Because the computer was capable of color graphics, the Apple logo contained a rainbow striping; this would remain a part of the Apple logo until 1998. The Apple IIs were originally assembled in Silicon Valley. The introduction of the Apple II is generally considered the start of the personal computer revolution. It was the first time that the general public really had access to personal computers, something that before had been limited to hobbyists and technicians. The low-end price of the original Apple II was $1298 while an Apple II with the maximum 48kb of RAM was $ 2638.

CPU: MOS Technology 6502
CPU Speed: 1 MHz
FPU: none
Bus Speed: 1 MHz
Data Path: 8 bit
ROM: 12 kB
RAM slots: 1st expansion slot can be used
Expansion Slots: 8 proprietary
Max Resolution: 6 color at 280x192, 4-bit color at 40x48
Floppy Drive: optional
Serial: optional expansion card
Speaker: mono
The Apple II was premiered at the West Coast Computer Faire in 1977. It was released for general sale in early 1978. The original Apple II model was a part of the Apple product list through 1980.
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The device itself is hilarious but I think that my refrigerator has more CPU power than just 1 MHz
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