We will have some commentary right after we go to the restroom after waiting a few hours! In the meantime start commenting below. iPhone. Revolutionary? Will you buy one. I can tell you as someone who has seen (at least in Keynote form) that this device looks incredible.
I’d say its fair to call it revolutionary. And I’m not prone to blind compliments as far as Apple is concerned. It’s definitely mostly positive.
On a side note, did he ever show a picture of the widescreen iPod? Or is that the iPhone? Am I missing something?
I think that the iPhone IS the widescreen iPod; or at least what the widescreen iPod would look like…
Three comments -
1) where am I gonna put this thing? looks too big for my breast pocket and with that large screen I certainly don’t want to put it in my pants pocket. (Is that an iPhone, or are you just glad to see me?)
2) the AppleTV looks promising but with a TiVo, an XBox, and a DVD player already connected I’m not sure I’ll be getting one…unless the drive capacity is easily upgradable, then maybe I’ll just rip the DVDs
3) where’s the iWork and iLife announcements? The AppleStore still shows version ‘06
agree with Davidwd….
Where is iLife ‘07?
What about promised update on Leopard features?
Is 12” slim MBP coming?
but yes, looks like i will be getting both, AppleTV and an iPhone
The iPhone is a sweet device. Not sure if I will get one.
But, it runs OSX, it has WiFi and a camera, why no iChat AV support? That would be killer.
Really thin…. Love the phone, Apple TV looks promissing. But man where the heck is the rest of the goods? I guess they only had so much time.
What I found EXTREMELY interesting is when AppleMatters wrote “steve is leaving” announcement, the stock plumeted nearly $3 a share! No LIE! Been watching the live report and live stock updates and they coincided within 1 min of each other.
As far as I understand the iPhone is the widescreen iPod. No mention of a sep. product. Although one can’t help but think that eventually the two will merge. Or at least that there would be a wide-screen touch-screen hard drive based version of the iPod.
I won’t buy it…. not because it is an apple product, but because it has this iTunes integration thingy going on. I hate DRM. But it’s about time someone made a good computer phone, I’ve been waiting for something pretty AND functional to come along for ages.
—KOW 1
Yeah, it’s a phone, a nice one at that, but it’s not a revolution. Pretty disappointing keynote overall, the new airport basestation on the website is more interesting than the over-priced (cr)apple-tv!
I haven’t yet seen anyone clarify the “iPhone runs OS X” statement seen in the keynote and online.
Is this something like “OS X Mobile” or are they claiming it’s the full-blown OS? I can’t imagine that we’d genuinely be able to install any old OS X app on the iPhone. I know Jobs hyped “desktop-class applications” on the device, but that’s different than saying, for example, “you can install iWork ‘07 on the iPhone.”
Color me AMAZED if I’m wrong, but I think this is more like a new PDA OS from Apple, even if it’s built on BSD with many of the core technologies from OS X ... which is still unbelievably great news for Mac fans.
As far as I understand the iPhone is the widescreen iPod.
So to get a widescreen iPod, you have to pay $600 for 8GB?
That doesn’t sound right.
All great inventions exhibit the convergence of previous technologies. Like the toilet and running water.
So bringing these things together is just a natural extension. Like putting music on the radio, and then putting the radio in a car, now we have the internet in our pocket with our music and our phone and a camera. It’s convergence, not innovation.
All these things existed before, but it is done more elegantly today. Maybe Steve can tackle the problem of multiple remotes for couch potatos.
I am amazed that they would change their name. REALLY AMAZED! They changed their name? They changed their name! They didn’t merge with anyone. There is no scandal. They simply don’t think of themselves as a computer company anymore? Weird! Really weird. Does this mean that Microsoft has officially won?
If they were going to change their name, you would think they could “innovate” a better one than that.
Apple is now just a content provider with the desire to join the ranks of the rip-off utility companies. What will they be when the people wake up and DRM finally dies the death it deserves, and access is no longer controlled by the gatekeepers via government issued monopolies? Computers is their backbone. They will be making them for a long time I suspect. And these new inventions are computers; they are just repurposed in a new way. The word “computer” may be changing, but it still strikes me as odd that they would drop it completely. I wonder if it has something to do with winning the Beatles lawsuit. Maybe Steve thinks he now owns the word, or something. Thoreau would get a chuckle at this spectacle, especially how Steve thinks he is empowering the creative types and average people. Be empowered: Buy my stuff, said the Indian Chief to the lawyer.
Still. A very nice invention. Reminds me of something out of Star Trek. My daughter wants one already.
By the way, AppleMatters had the best coverage by far! Congratulations on a good job.
There’s a new Airport Extreme out too. Did Jobs mention that at the keynote? And he was playing The Beatles on the iPhone.
I wonder how they settle that trademark issue with Cisco.
I’m waiting for the ff announcements in the next few weeks:
1. Beatles on iTunes.
2. The new widescreen (phoneless) iPod with 32GB flash memory.
3. Mac-focused products: Leopard, Quadcore Macs, iLife w/ Blu-ray support, Blu-ray drive upgrades, usual software updates, etc.
4. 2-for-1 AAPL stock split.
Needless to say, iPhone went beyond my expectations. I mean it’s got OS-X on it! Though with 8GB max storage, that’s a little thin for video watching, eh?
Dropping ‘Computer’ from the name: Could they be any clearer about where this company is headed?
I’ve been saying it all along, Apple is the new Sony.
It’s going to be an exciting year.
The iTV thing is too little too late. Media center PC’s have been around for ages, (windows xp media center edition anyone); and the iPhone, feels as if it’s a catch up to current smartphones(a very pretty and functional catchup). It feels like Apple is releasing Me too products.
—KOW 1
I’ve been saying it all along, Apple is the new Sony.
God I hope not. Sony sucks (although they do make great TVs).