Whacking my iPod
I’m thinking of doing something unthinkable. Never in a million years did I imagine it could come to this. I’m thinking about whacking my iPod. See, I want the new color screen iPod. I want it. I want it. I want it. I can’t stop thinking about it. But I can’t justify having 2 iPods. I only have one set of ears. There are only 2 things in the way of my happiness with another iPod:
Justification to my wife that I need one
The death of my 2G iPod
Those 2 thoughts are related. If my iPod stopped working, I would have better chance of convincing her. After all, what would I listen to on the train? How could I transfer my files to and from work? I’ve been in this place before. A year ago I wrote about how I was lusting after the 3G iPod. I finished the article embracing my “old skool iPod”. That was soooo last year. That was before color screens, boatloads of accessories, and 60GB. Temptation is getting the best of me. Every time I look at my grayscale screen I cringe. I imagine myself with the color screen. I imagine walks during lunch scrolling through pictures. Getting rid of my old iPod means spending my life with a newer, lighter, skinnier iPod.
I was introduced to it by Hadley. It was innocent enough. I knew it existed but I was happy with my current situation. But once I held it, a spark shot through my body. It’s new navigation wheel felt like something I had never experienced before. That’s when the obsession started. My 2G has no idea. I still play with it and it’s still always by my side. But after hours I find myself looking at quicktime VRs�spinning it around. Seeing it from the top and then from the bottom. It has gotten out of control. I found myself imagining listening to the color screen iPod during shuffle play. I need to resolve this.
A major issue is that my iPod won’t just die already. I know Apple makes well-made products but come on! It’s been 2 years! It would be so much easier if I thought the end was near. Then I wouldn’t have this mess on my hands. But no. It has to still give me a good 6 1/2 hours of battery life on a full charge. It has to be virtually scratch free thanks to my iPod Armor. Besides a busted headphone jack, it’s as good as new. I need to plan. This needs to be done discreetly, swiftly and without prejudice.
How could I do it? I could spill coffee on it. I could accidently drop it. Or better yet, it could go missing. Never to be seen again. All plausible explanations to my wife for my iPod’s untimely demise. But could I get away with it? The problem is I don’t think I can bring myself to do it. I mean will it ever stop? Who’s to say, in a couple of months, a newer one won’t come along? I’m sick to my stomach about this. Is this part of Apple’s big plan? I feel like a heat-seeking missile that never hits the target. I head for the first target (3G) then a hotter target comes into view (4G) until finally I just explode. Do they really expect us to keep on buying the newest model? And what about the price? My plan would be perfect if I was talking $300. But $600 is some serious hush money. But it looks really good in my hand. It could be done. I might be able to actually pull this off. I think I might do it. Stay tuned�
I’m surprised that you wrote an entire column about your identity crisis over wanting a new iPod and didn’t consider the (very reasonable) alternative of trading your iPod in on a new one.
If you don’t want to sell it through eBay, you can simple trade it in for cash or a store credit at Small Dog Electronics (http://www.smalldog.com/wag13041/atpowerpage/). I did just this—traded my first generation iPod in for cash, then spent the cash to buy an iPod Mini once they came into stock.
Good luck.
PS. NO I don’t work for Small Dog but they are located here in Waitsfield, Vermont and are really good people. Questions? Email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) —he’s always been very helpful to me.
Oops. I think I misspoke. I’m not sure trade-in for cash is possible through Small Dog—in fact, I’m pretty sure it isn’t (see below).
What I did was trade it in for store credit which I then used to by an iPod mini when they finally became available. The reason for my confusion was that I did NOT have to buy a new iPod at the time I did the trade-in, so it felt like cash to me. [In fact, the store credit can be used for anything, not just an iPod.]
Sorry if I confused anyone.
Perhaps it’s your wife that needs whacking. Those colour screens really are to die for and if she’s the only thing standing in your way ...
i have a perfectly-good 3G 30GB iPod. when the 60GB iPod photo came out, i ordered one within minutes of the release on the AppleStore. my wife was highly amused by my having spent nearly $700 (including AppleCare iPod) for another unit; but her amusment was quickly quashed by receiving the “old” iPod. she just loves it, and is always using it at work. the subject of the new iPod has never come up again! just go for it; you’ll feel better!
I LOVED the article, my thoughts exactly!
Only thing is, my 3rd gen is really whacked at the moment (refuses to transfer more than 3.3 gigs beofre itunes freezes) so my decision is easier. I WILL get a new one, a photo one. All I am waiting on is the cash
or a donation 
In the meantime, why not simply set iTunes for manual transfer of files, instead of synching? That way you can control how much is transferred at one time.
BTW, what makes you think the transfer problem is your iPod and not your iTunes (or even the cable you are using to transfer)?